Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Like to Think I'll Exit Well

Firstly, thanks Deirdre and Beanie for your comments on yesterday's post. Know that I believe exactly what you said, but sometimes wonder whether or not I would hold on to my beliefs in the event of receiving the news that my time here on Earth was much more, let's say, "limited."

Not in a philosophical way, but in the "Mr. Miller, we have found [insert fatal malady here] and you have approximately [insert seriously truncated period of time here] to live…" Would I be able to say, "Hmmmm, so that's how it's gonna be? Well then, let's have some fun!"?

I like to think so. Having never thought about any kind of bucket list, I'd have to get busy and figure out what I would do with the time that I have left.

I'm not certain that I would be entirely altruistic and philanthropic about the whole thing. If I decided to tap the [burgeoning, huge really] mischievous side of my personality, the ideas in Death and Dying — The Good News might be a good place to start. Judy Bachrach is one of my heroes. She gives advice on a great blog called The Checkout Line. The brilliant girls at Jezebel.com LOVE her and parody her column at Obit-Mag [Ask Judy] every once in a while…

Final thought for today: "You can't cling to a flincher."

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